Our Team
OAM Sites
OAM Sites are advanced manufacturing labs operating under the control of OAM to:
- Develop new products and advanced manufacturing processes.
- Use advanced manufacturing to develop both medical and non-medical devices.
OAM has six manufacturing sites at VA medical centers in Charleston, Richmond, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Seattle. The OAM site in Seattle is registered with the FDA as a medical device developer and manufacturer.
OAM Site Leads

Arri WillisÂ
Seattle Site LeadVA Puget Sound Health Care System

Bill Corcuera
Cleveland Site LeadVA Northeast Ohio Health Care System

Brian Burkhardt
Richmond Site LeadCentral Virginia VA Health Care System

Dr. Garrett Grindle
Pittsburgh Site LeadVA Pittsburgh Health Care System

Dr. Katie Schultz
VISN 12 Site LeadVISN 12 - VA Great Lakes Health Care System

Nikki Beitenman
Charleston Site LeadRalph H. Johnson VA Health Care System