Fellowship Applications
VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowship Applications
VHA Innovation Ecosystem (VHA IE) established the VHA Innovation Ecosystem fellows to empower seasoned innovative leaders of tomorrow and to spread mission-driven advances in health care delivery across VA. The program offers unique experiential learning opportunities for emerging and accomplished VA leaders with a dynamic presence, passion for innovation and vision for the future.
The application period for the 2025 Entrepreneur in Residence and Senior Innovation fellows opens for submission from May 14 - June 14, 2024.
For more information about the MIT Catalyst fellows, please visit https://catalyst.mit.edu/.

FY 2025 VHA IE Fellowships Application
Applications for the 2025 VHA Innovation Ecosystem Entrepreneur in Residence and Senior Innovation Fellow Cohorts will open May 14, 2024. Application details will be provided here when they become available.
April 23, 25, 30 + May 9
Meet the Fellows Information Session. Sign up here.
April 9
May 14
VHA IE Fellowships Application Portal Opens
May 21 + June 6
VHA IE Fellowships: How to Apply Information Sessions. Sign up here.
June 14
VHA IE Fellowships Application Portal Closes
September 2024
VHA IE announces the 2025 VHA Entrepreneur in Residence and Senior Innovation Fellowships Cohort.
August 2024
Applicants Notified of Acceptance
October 2024
2025 VHA IE Fellowship year begins and Fellows attend VHA Innovation Experience
Application Guide
For more information about the VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships Application process, preparing your application, fellow eligibility and credential requirements, and structure and curriculum of the Fellowships, please read the Application Guide below.
View Application GuideFAQ
Who can apply to VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
Individuals who are VHA Employees at the start of program and U.S. Citizens or individuals who possess a current visa allowing paid educational activity. U.S. Citizens shall be given priority in fellow selection.
Do I need to have VA employment to apply?
A paid VA appointment is required for the duration of the program but is not required at the time of the application.
Part-time appointments are acceptable to meet eligibility criteria.
Participants currently enrolled in VA training programs or internships may
apply but must have an official VA staff appointment at the start of the program.
In addition to VA employment, Fellows must be funded by 0160 or 0152 appropriations.
Check with your supervisor or local fiscal point of contact for information regarding
your funding type. Funds outside of these two appropriations are not compatible with
salary protection from VHA IE Fellowships.
If you are planning on applying and do not have a current VA staff
appointment, please email us at VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov.
How do I find my fiscal point of contact?
Please reach out to your direct supervisor to determine your fiscal POC.
I am a new VA employee. I have implemented my project outside of VA and have existing data. Can I apply?
Yes. Existing data from outside of VA can be submitted with your application.
How can I apply to VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships Application opens for submission on May 14, 2024, and will remain open until June 14, 2024 at 11:59pm PT.
Are VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships for established existing projects or will pilot programs be considered?
Yes. Both established and pilot projects will be considered. VHA Innovation Ecosystem
Fellowships provide two paths for project and fellow development:
1. Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR)
a. For emerging leaders to advance their innovative initiatives, leveraging internal and external
collaborations, performing value-based evaluation, and navigating pathways to broader implementation.
2. Senior Innovation Fellow (SIF)
a. For accomplished leaders who are prepared to implement a national scale project or initiation
that measurably improves clinical outcomes, cost, and/or Veteran experience. These projects
should promote a diverse approach to accomplishing the VHA Undersecretary for Health Core Priorities.
Can applications be submitted for a team/more than one individual?
No. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships are for individual applicants only. They do not currently support teams. Team members working on the same project are welcome to apply as individuals. Acceptance of one team member into Fellowships does not guarantee acceptance of other team members.
Can an application be submitted on behalf of another individual?
Yes, it is permissible to apply on behalf of another individual,
provided they are fully aware of the program conditions and ready to actively participate if selected. This also
includes obtaining leadership approval to be a member of the program and attending in-person event requirements.
Applications should be submitted under the name of the intended participant.
If you are submitting an application on behalf of another individual, please reach out to VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov.
What projects qualify for VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
1. Project/pilot must be directly relevant to VHA Mission or Operations.
2. Project/pilot must relate to National, VISN, or local strategic priorities and needs.
3. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships do not support clinical trials, or other IRB Research projects.
Are there other VHA Innovation Ecosystem programs to support project development?
VHA Innovation Ecosystem offers annual opportunities to cultivate your ideas including VHA Shark Tank Competition, Spark-Seed-Spread Innovation Investment and Accelerator Program, and VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships. For more information on programs within VHA Innovation Ecosystem, please click here.
Can I apply to multiple programs simultaneously?
There are no restrictions when applying to VHA IE opportunities. However, it's important to keep in mind that if you are accepted into multiple programs, you will need to fulfill the requirements of each program separately. While there may be some overlap, each program has its own unique set of requirements and attendance policies.
What is the duration of VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships begin in October of the year accepted and continue through the end of September of the following calendar year. If you have questions about the duration of the Fellowships calendar, please email VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov.
Is there assistance to review applications for feedback prior to submission?
No. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships are unable to provide application assistance due to the scale of applications received. Applicants are advised to review the application guide, related materials, former fellow projects, and to attend or review the application information sessions. While not all Fellows are available to respond to questions, applicants are also welcome to contact current and former fellows to seek out their advice.
Is leadership approval required to apply to VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
Applicants must allocate up to 20% of their time for VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships. A MOU will be created between VHA IE and the Fellow's duty station to establish requirements and funding. Applicants need not have a signed MOU to apply, but should socialize the document with their leadership, including director-level leadership. Fellows must submit a signed MOU by the first of October, the start of their Fellowship Year.
What are important dates during the 2025 VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships application period?
Please refer to the VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships Application Timeline above and sign up for the VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowship Information Sessions to view important dates and receive notifications from VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships.
What if I miss the submission deadline?
Late applications will NOT be accepted. Please monitor VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships for information.
What are some things to consider when completing my VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships application?
When completing your application, please consider the following:
1. Your application will be evaluated on its feasibility, meaningfulness, and strategic value to VHA.
2. Review the Application Guide to prepare your responses. Please refrain from using images or tables in the application.
3. To protect the privacy of VHA patients and those who care for them, do not include any Protected Health Information (PHI). To learn more about PHI and the importance of protecting, visit this link.
4. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships support innovation projects at different stages of implementation, and therefore do not require the same level of existing data as other VHA IE programs. However, applicants must still demonstrate the value of their project and explain the data they will use to report on their progress during the fellowship year.
5. If possible, provide details on the user experience for your target population (e.g., Veterans, employees, caregivers)
6. Avoid acronyms and jargon. Evaluators may not be experts in your field; please keep language accessible to a general audience.
What happens after I submit my application?
Following the close of the application period on June 14, 2024, evaluators will review and score all applications. The 2025 VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships cohort will be publicly announced September 2024.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov. We would be more than happy to assist you.
Do I need to submit a Alt 450 Conflict of Interest (COI) form if my project only involves collaborators internal to VA/VHA?
Please ensure that you sign and attach an Alt 450 COI form if you have a formal partnership with an external entity that
is part of, affected by, or a potential collaborator during your Fellowship. The purpose of the COI is to allow you to
disclose any financial or contractual conflicts of interest you may have with external agencies or associates.
To view and download an Alt 450 COI form, click here.
What is the estimated time commitment if accepted as a Fellow?
VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellows have up to 20% of their time protected by VHA Innovation Ecosystem to work on your project.
A portion of this time will be spent in monthly fellow enrichment experiences, at VHA Innovation Experience, Diffusion
Academy, and other Fellowship related gatherings, including weekly office hours and project management support meetings.
Candidates must be prepared to commit time according to the demands of their respective projects. This may
occasionally exceed 20% FTE throughout the Fellowship year.
What is the required travel for VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships?
1. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellows should plan to attend VHA Innovation Experience in October, and VHA Diffusion of
Excellence Diffusion Academy in January. Additionally, there may be 2-3 Fellowships specific gatherings each year.
Dates will be provided upon acceptance.
2. Other Fellowship-related travel is determined by the fellow, VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships Leadership,
Duty Station Leadership, and project needs. It is recommended that fellows identify relevant conferences and leadership
opportunities that align with their project goals and support its development and promotion. Such opportunities can aid
in the fellow's professional growth and development.
3. There are required monthly trainings, and fellows will also have access to regular, virtual office hours.
4. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellows remain at their assigned duty station unless traveling for Fellowships-related opportunities
and experiences.
Are there expectations around data that I am expected to report about my Fellowship?
At the beginning of the Fellowship, you will begin to identify and track Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and qualitative data related to your project to measure its impact on the intended target population. This data will be recorded at a predetermined cadence and be included in an annual VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships Impact report.
Are there expectations around collaboration with my fellow cohort members?
Part of your VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowship year is about building a community of support around your project and professional development. This looks different for each individual Fellow. A benefit of participation in the Fellowship is being able to communicate and collaborate on your projects. No specific collaboration is required, but it is encouraged.
How does VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships program handle certification or credentialing for fellows upon completion of the program?
VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships does not offer certification or credentialing. The program may provide funding for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) courses, certifications, and credentialing programs that are relevant to the fellow's project upon approval.
How much of my salary does the VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships program cover?
This program is a knowledge enrichment and leadership development opportunity and includes resourcing and funding as agreed upon after candidate selection. This may include salary reimbursement and/or project resource support and will be negotiated between each VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellow, their leadership, and VHA OHIL.
Does the project data need to be specific to VA or can you use data from project implementation in external settings?
No. Your innovation does not need to be restricted to VA, but it must be directly relevant to VHA Mission or Operations, or relate to National, VISN, or local strategic priorities and needs.
Will mentors be assigned if my application is selected?
Yes. VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellows will be assigned a mentor from the IE network based on subject matter expertise and professional compatibility. Selected Fellows are also welcome to include preexisting mentors for additional support during their Fellowship year.
Who do I notify regarding invention disclosure, certification, or licensure?
If your application involves an invention disclosure, certification, or licensure, please reach out to VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov.
Contact Us
If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding VHA Innovation Ecosystem Fellowships, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at VHAInnovationFellows@va.gov.
We would be more than happy to assist you.