Durham, North Carolina
Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation at
Durham VA Health Care System
Who We Are
Welcome to the Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation (IAFCS) at the Durham VA Health Care System. We are dedicated to educating employees, trainees, students, and collaborative partners in providing exceptional care through cutting-edge simulation modalities. Our vision is to set the standard for simulation-based education and process improvement across VA Medical Centers nationwide, integrating the data-driven model and conducting translational research to enhance Veteran patient outcomes.

Overview of the Durham VA Health Care
System (DVA HCS)
Simulation Program
The Durham VA Health Care System (DVA HCS) is a 271-bed, level lA, tertiary care, referral and teaching
facility located in Durham, North Carolina adjacent to our academic affiliate Duke University Medical
Center. DVA HCS maintains academic affiliations with many academic institutions, including Duke
University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Campbell University, Watts School of Nursing,
Durham Technical Community College, Vance Granville Community College, North Carolina Central University,
and North Carolina State University.
The DVA HCS Simulation Program is led by an interprofessional team that uses simulation and other
educational tools to improve the quality of care provided to Veterans nationwide. We educate nurses,
physicians, respiratory therapists, chaplains and other interprofessional facility employees, students,
and trainees. We explore innovative ways to improve communication, teamwork, patient safety and systems
redesign issues that impact overall health care delivery and performance. With strong connections to our
academic affiliates, VISN 6, the Simulation Learning, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Network
(SimLEARN) and professional associations, our simulation program is recognized as a national leader in
simulation practice, education, systems integration and research.
Overview of DVA HCS Simulation Program
To apply for the IAFCS in Durham, North Carolina, check eligibility requirements and contact the co-directors at this site.
Contact Us »Every Breath You Take
A story of life lessons
Fellowship Collaborators
Duke University Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
North Carolina AHEC Statewide System
Duke University Health Center for Interprofessional Education and Care
Duke University School of Medicine Feagin Leadership Program
Duke University Academy for Health Professions, Education, and Academic Development (AHEAD)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy
North Carolina State University
Wake Technical Community College
North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA) Simulation Council
Association for Nursing Professional Development
Society for Simulation in Healthcare
East Coast Game Conference (ECGC)
The IAFCS at DVA HCS collaborated with the Duke University School of Nursing to help distance learners gain skills by practicing in virtual reality.
Meet Our Co-Directors

Mary E. Holtschneider, MEd, MPA, BSN, RN, NPDA-BC, NREMT-P, CPTD, Simulation Education Coordinator, Co-Director Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation, VISN 6 Simulation Champion
She is an experienced health care simulation educator with a background in trauma, emergency and critical care. She is the Simulation Education Coordinator and Co-Director of the Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation at the Durham VA Health Care System. Read More »
Chan W. Park, MD, FAAEM, Director, Simulation Education, Co-Director, Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation
He is the Director of Simulation Education and Co-Director of the Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Clinical Simulation at the Durham VA Health Care System. He brings expertise in emergency medicine and a commitment to advancing the interprofessional learning environment. Read More »